Menu system
This is the prototype menu structure that will be accessed primarily using the rotating bezel (to scroll up and down menus) and the select/back buttons on the side of the watch.
Pressing select will open the main menu. As previously discussed, turning the bezel will scroll through menu options (with an audible and tactile 'click' feedback so the user knows how far they have scrolled). If the user pauses for more than half a second after scrolling and without pressing a button, the current menu item is spoken in the earpiece.
Main Menu
|- 1.Next location (when outdoor mode selected) / Next item (if indoors)
|- 2a.Navigation (outdoor mode selected)
| |- Today's itinerary
| | |- (List of items)
| | |- Move task up
| | |- Move task down
| | |- Delete task
| |
| |- Where am I? (locational information, can tie in with Bham
| | wayfinder system or other similar systems)
| |- Find nearest...
| | |- Station (these must be supported in the GPS map
| | |- Bus stop but the user can download new overlays
| | |- Taxi rank for different cities or extra landmarks
| | |- Library using the PC software at home)
| | |- Supermarket, etc.
| |
| |- Breadcrumbs
| |- Remember current location
| |- (List of items)
| |- Move item up
| |- Move item down
| |- Delete item
|- 2b.Navigation (indoor mode selected)
| |
| |- Go to (this entire menu is dynamically created by instore
| | | server depending on services and items available)
| | |
| | |- Checkout
| | |- Exit
| | |- Customer services
| | |- Specific item
| | | |- Fruit and veg
| | | |- Hygiene products
| | | |- ...
| | | |- Seat number (if in theatre, etc)
| | |- Special offers
| | |- Places to rest
| | |- ...
| |
| |- Shopping lists
| | |- (List of named, pre-programmed shopping lists)
| | |- Shop for these items
| | |- Delete list
| |
| |- Pair a device
| |- (List of available help devices eg. barcode reader)
| |- Pair with this device
|- 3.Use indoor navigation / Use outdoor navigation
|- 4.Settings
|- Voice navigation on/off
|- Tactile navigation on/off
|- Choose shortcut button function
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