Saturday, March 04, 2006

The PC software

I'm not going to go into much detail about this as it's only a peripheral part of the system that could theoretically be provided by any 3rd party as long as it's compatible with the Brain and can connect to it using the Bluetooth system.

PC software should not even be required for the use of the system, although its use would be beneficial.

I see a useful piece of software for our system as containing the following features:

  • Interface with a speech synthesiser such as Jaws for all relevant operations.
  • Create a shopping list on the user's home PC for downloading into the Brain.
  • Produce a day's itinerary eg. for shops to visit, meetings to attend and their locations.
  • Upload new overlays for the GPS system from the Internet, either for a specific area or perhaps nationwide artifacts such as National Parks.

It would be useful to allow more customisation of the system's settings using the PC software too, but just like any well-designed VCR or DVD player the system should still function more than adequately without the 'remote control'!


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